
Limiting Refugee Protections Would Undermine Efforts to Build Humane, Effective U.S. Asylum System, IRC Warns

Limiting refugee protection undermines asylum integrity.

Media Contacts:

Cinthya Hagemeier
IRC Global Communications
Phone: +1 646 761 0307

*New York, NY, December 8, 2023,* Hans Van de Weerd, IRC’s Senior Vice President for Resettlement, Asylum, and Integration (RAI), expressed deep concern over potential changes in asylum laws that could undermine the protection crucial for individuals fleeing persecution, torture, and conflict.

The Vital Lifeline of Asylum

Asylum serves as a lifeline for those compelled to leave their homes due to grave circumstances. Van de Weerd emphasizes the distress caused by reports suggesting measures that could compromise this fundamental protection. The consideration of additional bans, arbitrary limits on protection, and the expansion of expedited deportations without fair hearings contradicts the humane, fair, and orderly asylum system pledged by the Biden administration.

Impact of Drastic Asylum Law Changes

The proposed changes, Van de Weerd argues, “limiting refugee protection of people seeking refuge but will penalize those forced, to seek protection abroad, similar to the current asylum ban in place. Furthermore, such measures could disrupt efforts to enhance the orderliness of asylum processes at the southern border and beyond, potentially leading people to take more perilous routes in search of refuge. This, he warns, could contribute to a troubling global trend where affluent nations deny fair access to asylum despite hosting only a fraction of refugees.

Call to Action for a Fair Asylum System

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) urgently calls upon the U.S. Congress and the Biden administration to collaborate in a bipartisan manner. Their joint efforts should aim to uphold the fundamental right to seek asylum and expand and improve safe and orderly pathways to protection, such as humanitarian parole. Additionally, it is crucial to support border and interior communities in providing humane reception to individuals seeking safety in the United States. Adequate resourcing of the asylum system is essential to ensuring more timely and fair decisions.

In conclusion, the IRC emphasizes that limiting refugee protections not only jeopardizes the integrity of the asylum system but also hinders efforts to establish a compassionate and efficient process for those seeking safety within the United States.

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