
How Did Covid-19 Outbreak Affect The Nonprofit Organizations? #GivingTuesday

#GivingTuesday is a day to honor charity. It’s a day dedicated to giving and celebrating generosity in all forms, including financial and non-financial contributions.

The outbreak of Covid-19 has had widespread effects, including on the nonprofit sector. #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that takes place on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, is one example of how the pandemic has impacted nonprofits. In previous years, #GivingTuesday has been a day for nonprofits to encourage people to donate to their causes. However, there was a significant decrease in donations in the past couple of years. According to GivingUSA, donations in the United States decreased by 3.6% in 2020. This is the first-time contributions have declined since the Great Recession of 2008-2009. The decline in numbers is likely due to the adverse economic impact of the pandemic. Nonprofits also feel the pinch, as they have had to tighten their belts and cut back on programs and services.

Gallup survey conducted during the coronavirus outbreak revealed that 73% of Americans now donate to charity foundations. The number is typically higher than 80% in surveys from previous years. William Stoudt, executive director of Rebuilding Together New Orleans, a nationwide group focusing on required house repairs and improvements, said, “We’re seeing demand simply surge. It may be a tiny leak, a major remodeling, a pipe break, you name it. They are helpless and without someone to turn to. The #GivingTuesday team started #GivingTuesdayNow in May as an immediate response to the pandemic, but there is still a lot of need elsewhere.”

Here’s how you can contribute to #GivingTuesday:

Start A Fundraiser Or Make A Donation

Nonprofit groups put a lot of effort into our communities to bring about change. Think about contributing to a cause that matters to you.

The coronavirus crisis has forced the closure of many businesses and led to a sharp increase in unemployment claims, posing several economic dangers – one of which is poverty. However, now you can positively contribute to the world and assist those affected by the Covid-19 catastrophe by donating to organizations fundraising virtually. You may also contribute by launching a Facebook fundraiser for the organization of your choice.

In an interview, Asha Curran, CEO of #GivingTuesday, said, “I believe we’re all affected collectively, and I think #GivingTuesday will be more extraordinary because, through this campaign, we can contribute to collective, universal suffering with universal generosity.”

It’s likely that your donation – no matter how big or small – will inspire others to do the same. By taking the initiative to contribute, you will play an essential role in mitigating the aftereffects of this global pandemic. Your contribution can help somebody to have a good night’s sleep and bread to put on the table.

The Publisher/Editor-In-Chief of the magazine, Ebojie Areban-Okojie, is also he Executive Director of Human and Environmental Liberties Projects (HELP), a charity organization which promotes and projects activities, events and programs of the community, especially the underserved immigrant and refugee communities.

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